Volunteer Application

Our volunteer program is open and now receiving applications. We seek volunteers who are a team players, are comfortable in a fast-paced environment, understand the nonprofit’s responsibilities, and can effectively communicate DFOWW Incorporated’s mission to our program participants, visitors, and partners.

All volunteers will be required to complete a volunteer application and complete the following steps before officially becoming a DFOWW Incorporated volunteer:

• In the interest of transparency and public trust, all volunteers will need to submit to a criminal background check and pay the required fee.
• Attend a 1-hour (virtual) volunteer orientation program
• Submit a clear front and back copy of valid state issued drivers license or I. D.

Approved volunteers will be permitted to attend weekly committee meetings. Volunteers will not be permitted to attend board meetings.

Email Address
All board members, staffers, contractors and volunteers are required to set up a company email address using their legal. No pseudonyms or legal middle names are allowed when setting up this email account. This email shall be used when communicating with staff, board members, the Executive Director and the public as it relates to DFOWW Incorporated matters and/or affairs.

Qualified volunteers are encouraged to consider joining DFOWW Incorporated’s Board of Directors for a more robust involvement in the nonprofit charity organization and its affairs.

Please select which of the following areas you are interested in volunteering: (Select all that apply)(required)