Affinity for Adjectives

Word Game Adjectives describe or modify the meaning of nouns and pronouns to make them more specific.ExamplesHer elderly neighbor spent an hour every day tending to his vibrant garden.elderly = adjective being used to describe the neighborneighbour = nounvibrant = adjective being used to describe the gardengarden = nounvibrant definition: bright, lively Here is anotherContinueContinue reading “Affinity for Adjectives”

Affinity for Adjectives

Word Game Adjectives describe or modify the meaning of nouns and pronouns to make them more specific. Examples The broken refrigerator caused the food to spoil and created an appalling smell. broken = adjective being used to describe the refrigerator refrigerator = noun appalling = adjective being used to describe the smell smell = nounContinueContinue reading “Affinity for Adjectives”